Before I start off, I would want to thank my doubters and critics for this piece of writing idea in this article itself. No really, I thank them, not sarcastically perhaps, but as all bloggers would do in such circumstances, and hence this response to all the negativity.
Yes, as in the blood of all bloggers, writers and scribblers, we all write because we could. Prove the fact that we could express ourselves better in words rather than speech. The infamy character of the misunderstanding society sees this otherwise. Well if your're writing a personal blog or diary, and labeled it personal, I would agree by sharing that piece of work with everyone else around you to be uncanny and irony of principles. As for bloggers like mii, I write to share with the world, not just with the ones around mii.
In the route of making a name for yourself in the world, you face difficulties ~~ and the unforgiving critics once again prove a hurdle for many. I've been blogging for nearly two years now, and I've hit a fairly satisfactory result with the amount of viewers and responses that I've amounted up till then. Of course, this by no means I stand anywhere near to world-class, full-time and many of the famous bloggers around the world. But who cares, self-satisfaction is what I pursue most, and as long as there is someone out there who is willing to read my articles, I'm happy.
Still, as I yearn to improve, that's where critics and negativity pour in. Some questioned my writing abilities, some doubt the achievements on targets which I've set to hit, and some even lunged in on my thoughts of my popularity. Well, here I would say, if you've not been a blogger, you'll never know what it feels like blogging. To mii, I keep my stand, my ways and my own thoughts on blogging. I will still keep my own techniques on writing, targets which have been set shall be pushed on still for achievement, and no, I'm not popular, YET. But I've set my sights on the possibilities, whether I'm able to succeed or fail, time shall tell. Till then, I'm trying very hard to push my blog popularity through any ways I could.
Ask any of those famous bloggers, they set out on a same quest ~~~ gain readers, gain followers, gain popularity! After that, everything shall follow on smoothly, with many earning big time just through their blogs. Of course, I'm not gonna be that stupid to post sensitive issues just like recent bloggers Alvivi did just to seek fame, instead I'll try using words and ideas to actually move people. I'm happy with recent achievements though, gaining recognition from companies like Nestle, Jacob's Biscuits, Fullhouse Cafe and Chicago Rib House just to name a few, it was an honour. Of course, I hope it wouldn't just stop right there, and I'm hoping for more good things to come in future!
Here's a few of my winning articles!
Be known that it is not to rent any anger, no. I willingly accept critics and doubts, and yes I do sometimes change to suit the reading needs of society, with more of my articles now on foods and recent happenings. I just want to clear the negativity on my actions, and made it known for my one and only aim ~~ to make or break for this blog of mine....
Credits to all my doubters and critics, without you, there wouldn't be this article, thanks!
Signing off:
Nickel Low CJ