Friday 8 February 2013

A Memory-full Of Crackers!

  It was a cold, rainy day like no other. Peeking out from the window, the thought of stepping out for a meal seemed so unappetizing. The whistle of the kettle was heard from afar, its steam gushing out from all its sides; boiled water was ready. A hot cup of black coffee made with a tin of Jacob's Cream Crackers in hand. A cracker split into half, with little crumbs all over; a dunk into the rich aroma of dark black liquid, combined into something my taste buds would never forget.

  It's been that way ever since I was five! And till today, that great taste IS still the same. The packages might have changed throughout those years, but that crunchy awesomeness had amazingly been well-preserved. To dip and dunk these crackers into my favourite coffee, and to savour that perfect taste was all I could ever ask for.

   People say that these crackers were good for breakfast, but I actually had them for all my meals at times! I remember a time back then, when I first held onto these crackers, I really loved the unforgettable butter (cream) smell on them. And there was once when I tried dipping a cracker into my coffee, I dipped it in too long and it just broke off; the broken piece floating in my cup, seemingly teasing me. I got a spoon and fished it out, and instead of throwing it away, I gobbled it all down. The rich coffee, oozing out from all sides of the cracker, wonderful!

  From then onwards, I developed a skill, a skill that would allow me to dip in for a longest time possible to allow as much coffee to be absorbed and not let the cracker break off. And guess what? I'm doing just that till this very day! Anyone with similar experiences?

  There was another moment when I remember having to actually search for coffee to go with my crackers. Of course, coffee during childhood was never encouraged and my lovely mum would only allow Milo and milk then. But the taste will never be the same. Hence, I had to search high and low for the perfect match. White coffee or Nescafe wasn't of choice. Only the black, dark, semi-sweet roasted coffee would make the list.

   These were the bits and parcels that made my childhood lively and memorable, thanks to Jacob's! As I typed, the rain is still pouring outside then. With these crackers by your side, who would go hungry anyway? Have a great 60 years celebration Jacob's, and you'll be glad to know that I will stick loyal to you in years to come!

**** This article (with the entry of some paragraphs) has won Jacob’s Week 2 60th anniversary giveaway, one of 8 winners with the prize of a set of 5 limited edition tins. The question for week 2 being ‘What is the most unforgettable childhood memory with Jacob’s Cream Crackers?’. Thx to Jacob’s once again for their choice!

Signing off,
Nickel Low CJ

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